I want to try and avoid this people around me.
When they see you complaining they will also start complaining.
When you want to get over it, you will still find them complaining.
When you pretend like everything is okay they get jealous, complaining even more.
Then things start working out for you because you have given up on your usual complaints and you finally find something better to invest your time in, they become more jealous and complain less. And you think they are being serious.

This time they start complaining again, more than ever, perambulating, mixing things up and you get tired, you get fed up.

Then you start help lifting their hands but laziness aches all over their chubby body that they start giving excuses.

Run! Run!! Run!!! This is more than fire, it's a plaque. Run far away from them because you can't benefit from each other, you can only benefit from their laziness. They will tie you down and talk you to stuffs that are not necessary.

Try and avoid this kind of people because their complaints reflect they are more scared of getting out of their own situation, they can't ever scare the lion shouting and you all you've got is the action to conquer the beast.

Be careful who you walk with!

by - aoadesola
A PERSON TO AVOID A PERSON TO AVOID Reviewed by Walexmotivates on November 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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