How We Wrongly Acquire Skills

When you think you've learned something worthwhile, then, you become puzzled why it is not fetching you any penny... Wary not, you are covered! 


Many a folk wants to grow in wealth but they do not put into account the actual process of growing in life. Biologically, growth begins soon after a child is born. But it doesn't happen in the reverse way, but rather, in the normal way. A child stands before he even begins to walk. Likewise, he walks before he races. You don't try to do it in the reverse. You don't! When you try to force it by applying the reverse way, you are trying a weak strategy that'll show you up in highly embarrassing ways. Because you certainly want to run - you don't want to walk, let alone, stand, then you should expect a reverse result. That is the bitter truth! When you try to force things, you end up biting your fingers dejectedly.

When you try to learn something for something big, you take your time to learn it so you can end up getting something bigger. For as they would say, "What is worth doing, is what doing well". 

Making it really big, counting some dollars, do begin somewhere. If you want something, be ready to sacrifice something. Let me break it to you, if you can give up the golden opportunity of making over $500 - $1,000 every few days for a few vigorous days or weeks, maybe months of learning a skill, you should be soaring in wealth. How? Learning is earning. You need a skill to make such huge amount, not anxiousness, not! If you can sacrifice your priceless life to learn something that would turn your life around, you have availed yourself. 

What you need is the perseverance to learn, the determination not to quit and the willingness to show up enough in a leaning medium. Maybe, just maybe, that alone would be sufficient to put the tutor to work. It's understandable that the tutor calls it a day when you always bail from class. Show interest, show that you are ready to learn. Don't give your mentor a hard time. 

Why do you prefer someone spoon feed you than to learn how to use a spoon?

Why do you prefer someone offers you a free, delicious and finely-grilled fish when you can learn how to fish, grill and offer (a free fish), all in a perfect way. 

Point is, don't look for shortcuts. If you want to get rich, be prepared to have what it takes to get rich. Be willing to sacrifice your time & energy for the golden opportunity to avail yourself financially.


How We Wrongly Acquire Skills How We Wrongly Acquire Skills Reviewed by MOTIVATOR NAJEEB HASSAN on September 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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