Get The Mindset Of A Winner

What is the best way to live your life? Now there is no absolute answer to this question. Nobody can tell you the best way to live your life but yourself.

What I can give you is perspective. Imagine if you were told right now you had only a year to live, 12 months from this point on. That is all you have. Your initial reactions to this would be shock, disbelief, doubt, depression and then preparation. In another word, you’ll go through the 5 stages of grief. 

After accepting the fact that you have only 12 months to live, you personally will go through a systematic, miraculous form of evolution almost instantaneously and this evolution is what changes the entire diagram of your existence. In a way, for the first time you will stop being a part of the society, and consciously take your first step to individuality, which is the separation of your existence from the rest of the world not for the need to be different or recognized but because that is its function and it happens because for the first time you have no other option but to take your life seriously.

So, what is that evolution? Well, after having accepted your mortality, your mind will go through the following changes automatically.

1. All your excuses disappear, regardless of the scheme of actions you are going to pursue in the future. All the excuses in your life until now that you have struggled with, never truly cared to solve and unconsciously made a part of your personality get surgically removed from your brain as if they never existed.

For the first time in your life, you are truly blessed with the focus shared by the greatest minds and you haven’t even chosen the goal yet.

2. You are blank, that is all your past consisting of stupid mistakes, habits, memories, and regrets get deleted. You now look forward to creating great memories with people who truly matter in your life. All your crushes, grudges, memories and tears and lies and pains, none of that shit matters anymore. You forget and move on within a second.
3. You discover priorities. Your mind automatically builds a list of people, actions, activities, practices, customs, and habits you need to dispose of.
4. You are not looking forward to gallivanting with your friends anymore or performing your daily rituals which is basically creating replicas of yesterday, if you’d think about it each day in your life is exactly the same but now, for the first time, you’re not worried or insecure about your girlfriend anymore (I will always mention this), you’re not uncomfortable or jealous if some guys are talking to the girl you have a crush on. You recognize that all these things are distractions. You are not looking forward to that party you were supposed to attend or frequenting night clubs or drinking with your buddies. That is all trivial shit. Your mind acknowledges and separates the people of importance from the crowd you have gathered over the years. As your mind figures out the things you want to do, you know very clearly what you don’t want to do which makes the greatest difference. What you want will eventually come to you, you just have to cut off triviality and you will meet focus and focus will grab your hands and guide you through various distractions and lead you directly to your destination.
5. You are vigilant. The days in your life aren’t divided by weekdays and weekends anymore. Each morning will be different and separate from the other. Each day will be an opportunity that brings you closer to your dreams. From this day on, you won’t be waiting for opportunities anymore but seizing moments to create them.
6. You’re reminded of your legacy. What are you leaving behind to those who love you, those dependent on you and those whom you cherish? You ask yourself, what would I be remembered for?
7. You are free from influence. You make settlements with the villainy that surrounds you, with all the losers that have bothered you and brought you down for too long. You are no longer bound by the threads of superficial relationships, artificial people, and obligatory acquaintances. You have been liberated of all influence, you’re unaffected by criticism –negative or positive. You are free from human indulgence.
8. You accept and appreciate love and it’s not selfish love anymore, it’s the purest, most incorruptible form of love without hesitation, without question and you know that they love you too and never ceased to support you. They are those who see grace and beauty where other others saw flaws and imperfections and it’s in this moment you choose their love instead of chasing and finding and hoping to somehow control, impress or convince some stranger to fall to fall in love with you.
9. You seek happiness rather than joy. You finally recognize the distinction your brain chose to ignore while living under the illusion of ampleness of time and when faced with a choice, you appreciate indulging in happiness rather than seeking joy because joy, although attributed to bringing happiness is short-lived and the things that define the meaning of your life are not. There is a reason why Keats wrote “a thing of beauty is a joy forever” he added forever at the end because joy is momentary. Once you understand this distinction, you don’t run after one night stands, flings, or short-lived dalliances. You don’t seek to repeat moments of joy by augmenting your drug usage, by indulging in social gatherings more, or from petty ego boosts in forms of compliments.
10. Lastly, you realize that you are complete. You don’t need any other person to reassure you of your greatness, your legendary status, your awesomeness. You’re a titan. You’re not in a fight with competition anymore. 
With this level of self-awareness and consciousness, you’re not a part of the crowd. You’re not in a fight against human. You are out there to make a name for yourself, you’re gonna take down gods. That is what you are, a titan, remember that. Challenge your mortality and all that is important to you will come to you naturally.
Now just imagine if you lived with this level of consciousness every single day, what won’t you accomplice? All you have to do is constantly ask yourself, urge yourself to believe that you have only 12 months in your hands. Get into that mindset and once you do, you will experience the evolution I have laid out.

How many times in a day do you remind yourself that very soon in comparison to the infinite scope of time, you will die and before dying you will experience a phenomenon known as being old. So the only time when you ever be the most efficient is now. In about 20 years, you will be half as efficient as you are right now. If you don’t act now, in about 10 years, all the opportunities you have in your hands will be reduced to half.

Your failure to attain your goal will only make you blame someone else. Blaming is one of the most pointless activities available to human. So, are you going to wait for that experiences where you face that eventuality and are left with nothing but to pick someone to blame OR are you going to avoid that experience altogether, it’s your choice. You might think to have this kind of mindset, in reality, is too hard. It’s almost impossible. 

Let me tell you something, it’s not the first time you’d go through this transition. Mortality, although the greatest reminder of the value of time, isn’t the only one you have gone through this personal evolution before, you just don’t remember it anymore because you achieved what you wanted. Think of the time when you have to pass a subject in order for you to be promoted to the next class, were you concerned about watching your favorite television show? Think of the time when you faced an emergency and the only priority, your only focus that day was to solve that problem no matter what were you thinking about going to a football pitch then? Think of the time when you were preparing for a competition and there was no other option but to destroy the scores and guarantee your admission in that University or program, were you hanging out with your friends and just wasting time? Think of the time when for the first time you saw the opportunity you had been waiting for in your entire life, what did you do that evening? Did you not prepare? Did you not abandon every single plan you had with anybody until you made sure that opportunity was yours? On that day, you knew what you wanted and where you were. So you locked yourself up and functioned on that level of consciousness. You’ve already done it, only on a much smaller scale. This time you need to do it on a magnitude that will change the entire course of your life and permanently set you on another level.

So, what are you waiting for? Keep your phone down, sit alone with yourself and ask, what if you only have 12 months to live?
Focus on the line of thought until you have gained consciousness. Ask yourself:
What are my true gifts?
What is that one thing I always wanted to learn?
What is that thing I always wanted to do?
Bring it back, stop running away from your true, unique, beautiful self.
In your attempts to mingle in the crowds, somewhere you abandoned the things that made you unique, that separated you from others and if during this process you are reminded of your failures, about the possibility that you might have wasted a lot of your time, or there aren’t enough opportunities, move on, focus only and only on the 12 months ahead of you. That is your life now. That is all the time you have and nothing else matters.
Get Motivated.
Get The Mindset Of A Winner Get The Mindset Of A Winner Reviewed by Walexmotivates on February 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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