Not Yet Over!

We all know Parrot FM in Ogbomoso, maybe not. I heard the radio station went ablaze and burnt completely few days ago. Well I’m not the type who does subscribe to social happenings but what really interest me is that the station is back to work, with full energy. I can hear some indigenes and residence of Ogbomoso chanting and congratulating themselves for the mouth-opening, unexpected comeback of the radio station as if it was their family property. 

Why is it so fast? Have they been doing things overnight? Are all some were heard debating. Some said it is money in doing. No! it is business IQ. It is very predictable that it would cost them like a year or half to get back on track. So what now? It doesn’t even cost them a week to loosen the bolt out of the blue. Based on my own insight, though the incidence is fatal but they turned the unpleasant experience, automatically and swiftly, into profit. Profit in what sense? The bad incidence could have been their worst barrier, much of their customers would look for the best alternatives (the competitors), reputation would be lost, the employees would have lost their jobs, they would be missed by their listeners and customers, those organizations dependent of them would get discouraged, the place could turn tattered for days, for weeks, for months, for years and now it is safe from the habitation of rodents.

For weeks they will be talked about, they will gain more customer as a result and it will soon reach the extent they will be begged for their services. They will be hyped for years.

If you are the one who had been through an ordeal and you ignorantly gave up and never committed those mistakes to your brain so that you can make remedy as the same thing might occur another time, what does this Parrot FM incidence insinuate? Or you, currently reading this, are really going through a hell? What lesson can you extract from this? NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER GIVE UP!! NEVER GIVE UP!!! In whatever bad situation there will always be a tint of hope, there will always be an opportunity to do it the better way. Flowers, whichever, passes through fire before being edible. To every challenges lies an opportunity. So if you have once been knocked you should get up right now and make use of the opportunity to your own advantage. The organization could have decided to gradually better things until it would be perfect but they can't hesitate taking action since they know best the opportunity that lies the acrimonious incidence.

Never forget everything and run rather face everything and rise. Good day!
Not Yet Over! Not Yet Over! Reviewed by Walexmotivates on January 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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